Crude Observations


So here I sit on the second to last trading day of September 2024. Markets for stocks are way, way up. The energy world is in some version of a delayed tail spin. Two days away from having to do an epic “mea culpa” as the third quarter devastation to my forecast is laid bare. I would note that we are also 37 days away from the most consequential election for Canada that has ever been held. And no, as we established last week, that election is not here because no one aside from 40 million Canadians and Pierre Poilievre wants it.


So here we are and here I am. In purgatory. Nothing to write about of consequence (gotta keep the powder dry for October) and a lot of pent up subject matter and anger. So what’s a dedicated blogger to do? Plug in the old Inspiro-matic 3000 and see what comes out or take a week off? Well if you’re reading this, you know what happened. Apologies to all in advance.


What this usually means is a meandering mess. Kinda like a Trump speech. You never when it is going to start, what it’s going to be about, why it’s being held and whether it is ever going to end. It’s like something no one has ever seen before. It’s a bigly spectacle and you know I’m all about spectacle, it’s what you readers and viewers… yes this blog is sometimes recorded as a video, you didn’t know? It’s the greatest thing ever. Like has never been seen. There are big Hollywood and television producers, they come up to me, with tears in their eyes, these big powerful Hollywood producers, they just break down in front of me with tears in their eyes and tell me how this blog is a work of genius which of course it is because I am but then they grab my hand and tell me they’ve never seen anything like it – these big time movie producers with tears in their eyes and they are big supporters even the one who produced the Silence of The Lambs with DOCTOR Hannibal Lecter from the asylum where millions of people come from who cross the border illegally, but they still read my blog even if they speak languages that no one has ever heard of, although I know I’m not supposed to say that but it’s true, even though these people that cross the border they want the asylum like Hannibal Lecter who by the way was a bad man but a very good chef I am told although I don’t think he ate the dogs or the cats or the pets of Springfield but I am sure he reads my blog, because he’s smart and good looking like me. Speaking of Springfield, did you see where they have a nuclear plant there but it’s owned by a rich person and sometimes they spill stuff – water and it’s dirty and infected and very bad, bad like you’ve never seen and one day I may write about it in my blog, which by the way is very successful, like nothing anyone has ever seen. Speaking of that, they are trying to replace the nucular facility with Electric, coming from the windmills and those panels that reflect the sun and make the planes and birds fall out of the sky. Just like they are trying to do with planes, putting the big heavy batteries in them to make them fly instead of using good old fossil fuels that we’re going to drill for like no one else has ever seen, DRILL BABY DRILL is what I tell them, but they won’t listen. We could be very strong in oil and gas but all they want is these batteries and the windmills that kill the birds and it’s very bad. They fall over. The windmills. They fall over and kill the whales but only after they kill the birds. It’s very bad. And the birds are in the ocean and that brings the sharks which is also very bad. So many sharks, and they can’t get rid of them, because all the boats are going to be electric and the batteries they have, they are so heavy that the boat sinks. Imagine that, a boat that sinks. This is what they want you to have and it’s very bad, so I am bigly against it. Even if you are from ana island and need a boat, can you imagine a leaving an island in a boat that sinks and being eaten by a shark or being electrocuted by the battery. Cuba is an island and they have boats. But they are poor and don’t have the batteries we have so they don’t sink, even when they come illegally. Sometimes they even go to Canada. That’s where that Justin lives, who did that interview with Commie Colbert, who is a very bad TV host and has a failing show. Speaking of Canada I was talking to Justin Trudeau the other day, he’s the son of Fidel Castro you know and the leader of Canada which is a country, I knew his mom, she would go to the clubs long ago, very nice lady, you can tell he’s the son of Castro by his beautiful hair, which is beautiful like mine and I have socks like his, you wouldn’t know it, but I do and I asked Trudeau directly why are you so bad on oil and gas and why do you like green stuff so much – like the clothes Castro used to wear and this young guy Trudeau he looks me right in the eye and he has tears in his eyes and he says he has to or he won’t be in power anymore and I ask him how much does power cost and he says his soul and I tell him that’s crazy because in Alberta power has been free for the past while and its because the gas is free too. Can you imagine it, it’s like nothing we’ve ever seen, power and gas are free and this world leader, so powerful yet so helpless is there saying to build more windmills which fall over and kill birds and he is so bad on oil and gas and we could be so much better, especially if we cut the regulations blocking more drilling, there are too many and I would cut them all so we could produce more but this Castro kid is all about windmills and illegal people voting for him. He likes the batteries too, the batteries that sink the boats. He likes them so much he gives away billions to these foreign companies to come here and sink our boats with their heavy batteries – have you ever seen such a thing, then the people in the boats, they end up in the water because the boat sinks and maybe they can’t swim and then they have to choose between being electrocuted by the battery, eaten by the shark or having a windmill fall over on them. I asked these questions to some very smart people I know and wrote about it in the blog, which smart people have said is like it is written by a scientist that’s how smart it is. And these smart people, they all tell me that what I write weaves a story. And it’s like nothing they’ve ever seen. It starts in one place and then goes back and forth and comes to a beautiful conclusion and that it’s like genius. Beautiful genius. And then I record it and the Hollywood guys, big powerful guys, they offer me money to use my words and I tell them maybe but only if I get to read them out loud and that’s when they know they are onto something and they tell me, Sir, your idea is the best idea we have ever heard and we would like to use your words and they ask me that with tears in their eyes. It’s a thing of beauty, these powerful producers, tears in their eyes. Like nothing you’ve ever seen. They could put their money into windmills or the heavy batteries that sink the boats but they choose me. It’s amazing. Like nothing you’ve ever seen. But we need to drill and be strong on the oil and gas. Here in Alberta, I met with that premiere of yours, Danielle Smith – mizz Smith, she’s a very nice lady, we’re good friends anyway she comes to me, tears in her eyes and she says what are we going to do about the oil and the gas, we want to be stronger on oil and gas but that Trudeau is standing in our way with his heavy batteries that sink the boats and the windmills that kill the birds and fall over onto the whales. And I said to her DRILL BABY DRILL and she realized I was so smart and that this was what she had to do. Three beautiful words Drill baby drill. It will make us so strong on oil and gas. I wrote about it in my blog and the energy people, they said that was the smartest, most genius idea that they have ever had and they wanted to make me a honorary scientist on the spot, like them, so I accepted because why not and they asked me where I had been hiding for so long and I said maybe I was in an asylum like my friend Doctor Hannibal Lecter who was also very smart and they said I should maybe talk to some Hollywood people who could produce my blog and I said I will just as soon as I help Mizz Smith solve her problem of wanting to be big on oil and gas while that Trudeau fella is all about the nice hair and the windmills that fall on people. So that’s where it is folks and they want to stop me, but I won’t let them stop me. I can’t be stopped. I have scientists and oil and gas people come to me, with tears in their eyes, asking me to run their companies and help them be strong on oil and gas.


It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen…

Crude Observations
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