Crude Observations


Another week of perfect Calgary fall weather in the books and here we are, Thanksgiving Weekend. That special time of year where we as Canadians take stock of the hand that has been dealt us and enumerate all the ways we feel thankful for being able to live in what could be the greatest country on earth, if we weren’t so addicted to mediocrity.


But I digress. That is in fact just my own oft-voiced opinion and many people disagree with me, which is fair, since polite disagreement is the foundation for discussion, understanding and compromise. Or something like that. We should of course be thankful that we are able to politely disagree with one another without descending into an abyss of self-destructive partisanship and vilification of others’ opinions… Right? Right?!?! Well I for one am generally thankful.


Which segues conveniently to the theme of this week’s blogging, that most turkey of days – Canadian Thanksgiving – wherein Canadians from coast to coast to coast gather together with family and friends and have a few bevvies, eat a fabulous meal and generally socialize and have a good time unless of course there is a pandemic or a US election or a UCP leadership review, in which case we all huddle in terror, alone in our houses, frightened by the sound of the weakest of coughs, the weirdest pronouncement from an orange person or the dreaded post result phone-call from a Danielle Smith campaign worker.


In our case, this year we are at home, our small nuclear family. We will be watching CFL and NFL football as is tradition (well, mine anyway). I will make a turkey and mashed potatoes and stuffing and brussels sprouts with pancetta because that’s what I do. The kids will eat turkey and cranberry sauce, because that’s what they do. We will have many leftovers. It is a small gathering as it has been a year of loss for all of us and we are inclined to keep it tight.


And as usual, I have spent a few minutes gathering my thoughts and soberly contemplating my existence and the rather fractious state of the world. And in that cornucopia of discombobulation and studied navel gazing, I have come to the conclusion that while things are bad, weird and just plain bizarre, they could be a lot worse and for that I am thankful.



Look, I know this is a recycled and hackneyed listicle, but it is a Canadian Thanksgiving tradition in many families to torture the kids (who just want to mainline cranberry sauce) by going around the dinner table before eating anything and requiring everyone to say what they are thankful for.


In that spirit, every year I do the same and write about some of the things I am thankful for (and some I’m not). It could also be that unlike the dinner table some will have genuine sentiment but most will no doubt be decidedly tongue in cheek, if not foot in mouth.


Overall, as I look back on the past year or so of natural disasters, global aggression (I’m looking at you Vlad), increasing levels of terrorism in the “first world”, senseless violence perpetrated on innocent civilians and bystanders (I’m looking at you Vlad), Donald Trump, Insurrections, elections, conservative leadership races at the federal and provincial levels, economic catastrophes unfolding around the world, global warming, global cooling, climate change, energy scarcity, inflation, interest rates, unemployment and global freaking pesky pandemics, I’m pretty darn thankful to live in sleepy old boring Canada.


Don’t get me wrong, we have our issues here and the weather sucks, but Canada, in the great scheme of things, is pretty darn-tootin’ great, our politics are tame’ish, our geographic situation is either a stroke of genius or luck (I’ll take either) and oftentimes our biggest issues revolve around how exactly we are going to deliver the latest social program to support disadvantaged fellow citizens. I mean seriously, in comparison to the gong show that is unfolding in the United States our political diasgreements are downright parochial. Each of our big three parties have platform elements that would make AOC and Bernie Sanders blush. Plus a whole bunch of cringy rhymes.


I am thankful that here in Canada we can have mostly civilized debates during randomly called and unnecessary Federal elections that highlight both the seriousness and talent of the various representatives and leaders but can also feature some genuine moments of comedic value. We are an anomaly in the Anglo world with our five parties represented in Parliament, one of which exists solely to break up the country and form its own smaller and less interesting national government in a sovereign nation. And no, I’m not talking about the Wexit whackadoodles. In the meantime, while they await their moment, they do their parliamentary duties. Cool.


I am thankful that a minority Liberal government that has clearly lost its way can continue to function while its more ideologically aligned opposition parties use the time for some necessary fund-raising so they can steal more votes.


I am thankful that Justin Trudeau is so determined that Jagmeet Singh get his federal pension that we don’t have to suffer through two consequential elections before 2024 comes to a close.


I am thankful that the two main parties in Canada aren’t so vastly different as they would like us to believe. I know that politics inspires great partisan conflict but really, how different are the mainstream wings of the Conservatives and Liberals. I mean aside from the rhymes.


I am thankful that we have a new federal Conservative leader. Not that I am enamoured of his platform or his nutjob pandering. Or his rhyming couplets. I’m just thankful that we now have a defined choice if there is ever another federal election. Plus, no matter what you think of Pierre Poilievre the person or leader, there is no denying that in the theatre of the House of Commons he is a master at getting under the skin of the Liberal Party and its leaders, which is so much fun to watch.


I am thankful that once out of office, political figures have the decency to fade into the background and not seek renewed glory. This of course is not what is happening.


I’m not so thankful for the current direction of the UCP. Danielle Smith seems to be still too much in the thrall of the Take Back Alberta crazies and the result is a disjointed and chaotic approach to issues management. She needs to stop thinking about her upcoming leadership review and start thinking about health care, education, oil patch cleanup, renewables strategy and municiapal relationships or her next leadership review – a general election – isn’t likely to work out for her.


I am thankful that the Calgary economy seems to have finally stabilized after absorbing the massive shocks of the energy downturn and the pandemic and that the downtown office market has steadied itself.


I am thankful that the Green Line football is back in play, if only for the close to a 1000 workers who were suddenly out of a job after Labour Day.


I am thankful that billionaire hockey owners are getting a free hockey rink and a transit station courtesy of the municipal and provincial taxpayer. Who am I kidding, I am not at all thankful for that. I am thankful we are going to get a concert venue that can actually host concerts though.


I am thankful for reasonably stable and sane government. As bad as the various municipal, provincial and federal governments are and as much as the leaders make me want to rage like a crazed, barking madman, it is not hard to find evidence of much worse situations around the world.


I am thankful for Donald Trump, because the nuthouse he resides in remains a non-stop source of entertainment and hilarity. I’m not thankful for anti-trade rhetoric, dog whistle appeals to racist dogma, the near constant state of conflict, the mysoginy, the crass self-enriching corruption, the scorched earth retreat after a decisive election loss, the lies and the lunacy of his current campaign but hey – everyone’s got a few flaws, right? As long as the entertainment continues, who cares!


I am thankful for sharks, battery powered boats and windmills that kill birds and whales as well as illegal immigrants that are eating the pets of Springfield. Why? See above.


I am thankful for Joe Biden was the most boring president in the history of the office. We all needed the rest.


I am thankful that the Liberals are a minority government. Seriously. The other alternative was a majority. Which I wouldn’t be thankful for.


I am eternally thankful for the opportunity to run the campaign for Calgary mayor. It was an ideas-based endeavour that ended in abject failure, but the website was top notch and the candidate truly adequate. We tried to pivot to have him run for UCP leader but I forgot my WordPress password so can’t edit it, so now I’m stuck with a dormant $70 a year domain that is worth $50. The next mayoral election is in 2025 and I have already submitted the nomination papers.


I am thankful to Sirius XM for the Beatles Channel. Seriously. I love the Beatles. Can’t get enough. I don’t care who knows it. I am also thankful my daughter Lucy on occasion still won’t let me turn off the car while a Beatles song is playing (I told her long ago that it’s an actual rule and now she has made it so).


I am thankful for $60-$70-$80-$90-$100 (ish) oil and a recovered energy sector. Mostly because the energy sector is where I make me moneys, but also because a thriving energy market is good for everyone in Canada. Except people who use gas, but really what do you expect? Buy a Tesla if it bothers you so much. Why do you still hate Alberta?


I am thankful to see the TransMountain Expansion completed and operational. Yes Max, I know it was Trudeau that made it happen, even of we disagree on the path that landed us there.


I am thankful to see green shoots of recovery in the energy services space and continued strong performance in the industrial and midstream world – again, this is where we make our monies.


I am thankful to see the price of natural gas try to rally. Anything more than $0 AECO is better than nothing and with LNG Canada finally coming to fruition as well as a couple of other LNG projects it won’t be long before my prematurely purchaser Tourmaline shares really explode (maybe not the best term).


I am thankful to see that Russia, Saudi Arabia and the rest of the OPEC+ crew continue to agree that oil prices below $60 is a very, very, very bad thing. The Biden “Goldilocks” oil trade continues to be the most untalked about aspect of his presidency but this election is not going to be decided on gas prices. Way to go Joe.



I am thankful the analysts community is 1 year closer to recognizing that Canada’s oil production strength comes from its long-lived, cash flow spewing asset base as opposed to the, for example, LTO world. Our production declines during the pandemic were by choice and not driven by geology. Now we just produce and don’t decline. And pay divvies.


I am thankful that the US election is nearly past. It is truly exhausting following that stuff. Now all we have to worry about is what happens after. Lord help us…


I am thankful that Ukraine continues to kick Russia’s ass.


I am thankful that Elon bought Twitter. Or not. Or am. Or not. Or am. Or not. Who really knows. Actuslly, maybe not.


I am thankful that the GOP is running such stellar, quality candidates like the black Nazi guy from North Carolina.


I am thankful for sarcasm.


I am thankful for zombies. I mean who isn’t. And I’m including the ones in government in that as well.


I am thankful for NFL football, if only because the Bills are 3-2, the Cardinals are 2-3 and the odds of them meeting at the end of the season are higher than they have been… since a few years ago. Wouldn’t that be a ticket?


I am thankful that my government thinks that I am a fat cat and a tax cheat. Why? Because it makes me feel important that dedicated, unconflicted and high-minded servants of the people like Chrystia Freeland and Justin Trudeau can take enough time out of counting their trust fund millions to take an active role in ensuring that I pay my “fair share” of taxes while still protecting the “middle class” whoever and wherever they are. Where else in the world can you get such personal attention from the government? It makes me feel important.


I am thankful for my network of professionals – my Twitterverse – the people who keep me informed and grounded, the sources I go to for informed dialogue and reasoned discussion. I am thankful for the friendships and connections we have made along the way – when you can take character limited discussions about politics and dinner prep and transmogrify them into lunches, hockey games and happy hour beers, you have done something right with the right crew including Lulu Kev, Arby’s Dwayne, Dee and Dee, Brian, Roger4mayor, politically connected Lesismore, Ray, Fake Ezzie and everyone else. Your community makes me whole.


I am thankful for you, my readers, for supporting me through the years despite my many missteps and cranky missives that I am sure push a lot of buttons and pull a lot of triggers. I make statements that I am sure many disagree with and are unpopular, but I stand by them. I try not to be partisan, but rather realistic and if my forecasts, predictions and rants upset people, it’s because I am trying to challenge the accepted views.


On the readership front, I am especially thankful for those of you who take the time to reach out after a blog to comment, correct or just converse. There aren’t many, but you know who you are – keep it coming!


I am thankful that I got to say goodbye to family that has left us in the past year. It has been a journey and there has been a lot of pain and a lot of laughs. Support of family and friends has got us through. Stronger than we used to be.


Mostly and above all else, I am thankful for all of my family, both my immediate nuclear family as well as my extended family – in-laws, out-laws and all. I am thankful to have a wife who tolerates me and children who consistently and constantly fascinate, confound and astound me.


There, not so bad right? I tried hard to be nasty, but the sun is kind of shining, it’s warmish, eaves are falling, it’s a long weekend and I’m in an appropriately good mood.


Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving, eh?

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